
[JQUERY] 지연된 물건은 무엇입니까?


지연된 물건은 무엇입니까?


  1. 1.지연된 물건

    지연된 물건

    jQuery 1.5에서, DEFERRED 객체는 여러 콜백을 자체 관리 콜백 대기열에 등록하고, 콜백 대기열을 적절하게 호출하고, 동기 또는 비동기 기능의 성공 또는 실패 상태를 릴레이하는 방법을 제공합니다.

    지연된 방법 :

    행동 연기 :

        function(){ alert("$.get succeeded"); }
        .done(function(){ alert("$.get succeeded"); })
        .fail(function(){ alert("$.get failed!"); });

    그리고 기존 Ajax () 메서드 콜백은 설정에서 선언되지 않고 연결될 수있는 것으로 보입니다.

    var jqxhr = $.ajax({ url: "example.php" })
        .success(function() { alert("success"); })
        .error(function() { alert("error"); })
        .complete(function() { alert("complete"); });

    Eric Hynds Blog Post의 작업 예제 : http://jsfiddle.net/ehynds/mrqf8/


    jQuery 1.5에서 $ .ajax () 메서드는 XMLHttpRequest 객체의 수퍼 세트 인 JXHR 객체를 반환합니다. 자세한 내용은 $ .ajax 항목의 thejxhr 섹션을 참조하십시오.

  2. 2.오히려 그것이 무엇을하는지 당신에게 말하면 그것이 무엇을하는지 보여주고 설명하는 것을 보여줄 것입니다.

    오히려 그것이 무엇을하는지 당신에게 말하면 그것이 무엇을하는지 보여주고 설명하는 것을 보여줄 것입니다.

    jQuery 1.5의 관련 소스 사본은 그것이 무엇을하는지 설명하는 주석을 가진 것입니다. 나는 주석이 주로 정확하다고 생각합니다.

    이것은 혜택을 얻을 수 있습니다

    // promiseMethods. These are the methods you get when you ask for a promise.
    // A promise is a "read-only" version
    // fullMethods = "then done fail resolve resolveWith reject rejectWith isResolve    isRejected promise cancel".split(" ")
    // As you can see it removes resolve/reject so you can't actaully trigger a
    // anything on the deferred object, only process callbacks when it "finishes".
    promiseMethods = "then done fail isResolved isRejected promise".split(" "),
    // Create a simple deferred (one callbacks list)
    /* Class: _Deferred.
     *  methods: done, resolve, resolveWith, isResolved
     *  internal method: cancel
     *  Basically allows you to attach callbacks with the done method.
     *  Then resolve the deferred action whenever you want with an argument.
     *  All the callbacks added with done will be called with the resolved argument
     *  Any callbacks attached after resolvement will fire immediatly.
     *  resolveWith allows you to set the this scope in the callbacks fired.
     *  isResolved just checks whether it's resolved yet.
     *  cancel blocks resolve/resolveWith from firing. the methods added throug
     *  done will never be called
    _Deferred: function () {
        var // callbacks list
        callbacks = [],
            // stored [ context , args ]
            // stores the context & args that .resolve was called with
            // to avoid firing when already doing so
            // flag to know if the deferred has been cancelled
            // in Deferred cancel gets called after the first resolve call
            // the deferred itself
            deferred = {
                // done( f1, f2, ...)
                done: function () {
                    if (!cancelled) {
                        var args = arguments,
                            i, length,
                            // elem in callback list
                            // type of elem in callback list
                            // cached context & args for when done is called
                            // after resolve has been
                        // If resolve has been called already
                        if (fired) {
                            // mark it locally
                            _fired = fired;
                            // set fired to 0. This is neccesary to handle
                            // how done deals with arrays recursively
                            // only the original .done call handles fired
                            // any that unwrap arrays and call recursively
                            // dont handle the fired.
                            fired = 0;
                        // for each function append it to the callback list
                        for (i = 0, length = args.length; i < length; i++) {
                            elem = args[i];
                            type = jQuery.type(elem);
                            // if argument is an array then call done recursively
                            // effectively unwraps the array
                            if (type === "array") {
                                // def.done([f1, f2, f3]) goes to
                                // def.done(f1, f2, f3) through the apply
                                deferred.done.apply(deferred, elem);
                            } else if (type === "function") {
                                // if its a function add it to the callbacks
                        // if it's already been resolved then call resolveWith using
                        // the cahced context and arguments to call the callbacks
                        // immediatly
                        if (_fired) {
                            deferred.resolveWith(_fired[0], _fired[1]);
                    return this;
                // resolve with given context and args
                resolveWith: function (context, args) {
                                    // if its been cancelled then we can't resolve
                                    // if it has fired then we can't fire again
                                    // if it's currently firing then we can't fire. This check is
                    // there because of the try finally block. It ensures we
                    // cant call resolve between the try & finally in the catch phase.
                    if (!cancelled && !fired && !firing) {
                        firing = 1;
                        // try block because your calling external callbacks
                        // made by the user which are not bugfree.
                                            // the finally block will always run no matter how bad
                                            // the internal code is.
                        try {
                            while (callbacks[0]) {
                                callbacks.shift().apply(context, args);
                                            // cache the content and arguments taht have been called
                                            // and set firing to false.
                        } finally {
                            fired = [context, args];
                            firing = 0;
                    return this;
                // resolve with this as context and given arguments
                // just maps to resolveWith, this sets the this scope as normal
                // maps to this.promise which is the read only version of Deferred.
                resolve: function () {
                    deferred.resolveWith(jQuery.isFunction(this.promise) ? this.promise() : 
    this, arguments);
                    return this;
                // Has this deferred been resolved?
                // checks whether it's firing or if it has fired.
                isResolved: function () {
                    return !!(firing || fired);
                // Cancels the action. To be used internally
                cancel: function () {
                    cancelled = 1;
                    callbacks = [];
                    return this;
        return deferred;
    /* Class: Deferred.
     *  methods: then, done, fail, resolve, reject, resolveWith, rejectWith, isResolved, 
    isRejected, promise
     *  then is a shortcut for both assigning done & fail in one function.
     *  This one has two underlying lists with different semantic meanings. You
     *  can bind to both the done callbacks and the fail callbacks then either
     *  resolve or reject your Deferred object.
     *  You can check whether it has been resolved or rejected. useful to see
     *  Afterwards which one has happened.
     *  Call .promise to return a new object which doesn't have the resolve/reject
     *  methods on it. This means you can only bind to it and not resolve/reject it.
     *  This is effectively read-only.
    // Full fledged deferred (two callbacks list)
    Deferred: function (func) {
            // the main deferred which deals with the success callbacks
        var deferred = jQuery._Deferred(),
                    // the failure deferred which deals with the rejected callbacks
            failDeferred = jQuery._Deferred(),
                    // the read only promise is cached.
        // Add errorDeferred methods, then and promise
        jQuery.extend(deferred, {
                    // def.then([f1, f2, ...], [g1, g2, ...] is a short hand for
                    // def.done([f1, f2, ...])
            // def.fail([g1, g2, ...])
            then: function (doneCallbacks, failCallbacks) {
                            // fail exists here because this code will only run after
                            // deferred has been extended.
                return this;
                    // map def.fail to the second underlying deferred callback list
                    // map all the other methods for rejection/failure to the underlying
                    // failDeffered object so that Deferred has two callback lists stored
                    // internally.
            fail: failDeferred.done,
            rejectWith: failDeferred.resolveWith,
            reject: failDeferred.resolve,
            isRejected: failDeferred.isResolved,
            // Get a promise for this deferred
            // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
                    // no clue what to do with "i"
            promise: function (obj, i /* internal */ ) {
                            // if no argument is passed then just extend promise
                if (obj == null) {
                                    // if cached return the cache.
                    if (promise) {
                        return promise;
                                    // set promise & arg to be {}
                    promise = obj = {};
                            // for each promiseMethods in the read only promise list
                i = promiseMethods.length;
                while (i--) {
                                    // set the deferred method on the object
                    obj[promiseMethods[i]] = deferred[promiseMethods[i]];
                            // returns the "read-only" deferred without
                            // resolve, resolveWith, reject & rejectWith.
                            // So you cant "resolve" it but only add "done" functions
                return obj;
        // Make sure only one callback list will be used
            // if either resolve or reject is called cancel both.
            // this means that the one that has been called cant be called again
            // and the other one will never be called. So only the done or the fail
            // methods will ever be called
        deferred.then(failDeferred.cancel, deferred.cancel);
            // Don't mess with cancel!
        // Unexpose cancel
        delete deferred.cancel;
        // Call given func if any
            // function argument to be called. This was passed in. Allows you to
            // handle the deferred object after creating a new one, both as this scope
            // and as a new argument.
        if (func) {
            func.call(deferred, deferred);
        return deferred;
    /* Method: when
     * Arguments: none OR 1 of type(any & !deferred) OR n of type(deferred).
     * If no arguments are passed then it gets resolved immediatly. A good way to
     * call multiple callback functions? Don't really know a good use of $.when()
     * If one argument is passed and its not a deferred object then it resolves
     * immediatly and passes that argument to all the done callbacks attached.
     * if n arguments are passed of type deferred object then the the done callbacks
     * will only fire if all of them succeed. If a single one fails then the
     * fail callbacks fire.
     * Returns a promise read-only deferred object
    // Deferred helper
    when: function (object) {
        var args = arguments,
            length = args.length,
                    // If you pass in a deferred object then set deferred to be the promise
            // if you pass in anything else then set deferred to be a new deferred
            deferred = length <= 1 && object && jQuery.isFunction(object.promise) ?
                    object :
            // cache the promise
            promise = deferred.promise(),
                    // store an array
            // if multiple objects are passed in
        if (length > 1) {
                    // create an arrey to store of values.
            resolveArray = new Array(length);
                    // for each object that we wait on
            jQuery.each(args, function (index, element) {
                            // when that object resolves then
                jQuery.when(element).then(function (value) {
                                    // store value in the array or store an array of values in it
                    resolveArray[index] = arguments.length > 1 ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : 
                                    // if length === 1 then we finished calling them all
                    if (!--length) {
                                            // resolve the deferred object with the read only promise
                                            // as context and the resolved values array as the argument
                        deferred.resolveWith(promise, resolveArray);
                            // if any fail then we reject or deferred
                }, deferred.reject);
            // if deferred was newly created but there was only one argument then
        // resolve it immediatly with the argument.
        } else if (deferred !== object) {
            // return the read-only deferred.
        return promise;

  3. 3.내가 틀렸다면 나를 바로 잡아야하지만, 최근에 본질적으로 비동기 작업 러너라는 것을 나를 클릭했습니다. 약속은 결과 계약이며, 당신이받는 것을 보장하는 것입니다 ... 무언가를 보장하지만, 당신이 그것을 얻을 때 보증하지 않습니다.

    내가 틀렸다면 나를 바로 잡아야하지만, 최근에 본질적으로 비동기 작업 러너라는 것을 나를 클릭했습니다. 약속은 결과 계약이며, 당신이받는 것을 보장하는 것입니다 ... 무언가를 보장하지만, 당신이 그것을 얻을 때 보증하지 않습니다.

  4. 4.JavaScript에서 작업하는 동안 기능 호출이 비동기식 인 상황이 발생합니다. 즉, Calee 함수 (X) 흐름이 호출 된 비동기 기능을 기다리지 않아야합니다 (y를 말합니다). 일반적인 예는 데이터베이스 또는 HTML 페이지에서 일부 데이터를 가져 오도록 서버에 전화를 걸 때입니다. 호출이 비동기가 아니면 서버 인터페이스가 서버가 응답 할 때까지 기다리고 있습니다. 이 비동기 자연은 예를 들어 y (Asynch)가 수행되거나 수행 된 데이터를 실행하거나 완료 한 후에 문제가 발생할 때 문제가 발생할 때 문제가 발생합니다. 여기 jQuery는 Deffered 객체를 제공합니다. 기본적으로 jQuery는이 상황을 해결하기 위해 쓰는 모든 보일러 플레이트 코드를 돌보고 있습니다. 다음은 간단한 예입니다.

    JavaScript에서 작업하는 동안 기능 호출이 비동기식 인 상황이 발생합니다. 즉, Calee 함수 (X) 흐름이 호출 된 비동기 기능을 기다리지 않아야합니다 (y를 말합니다). 일반적인 예는 데이터베이스 또는 HTML 페이지에서 일부 데이터를 가져 오도록 서버에 전화를 걸 때입니다. 호출이 비동기가 아니면 서버 인터페이스가 서버가 응답 할 때까지 기다리고 있습니다. 이 비동기 자연은 예를 들어 y (Asynch)가 수행되거나 수행 된 데이터를 실행하거나 완료 한 후에 문제가 발생할 때 문제가 발생할 때 문제가 발생합니다. 여기 jQuery는 Deffered 객체를 제공합니다. 기본적으로 jQuery는이 상황을 해결하기 위해 쓰는 모든 보일러 플레이트 코드를 돌보고 있습니다. 다음은 간단한 예입니다.

          //write here what you wish to do when this ajax call is success
          //write here what you wish to do on failure of this ajax call
      }); //see more on jQuery Deferred page

    자신만의 지연된 (비동기) 기능을 작성할 수 있습니다.

    function DoSomethingTimeConsumingAsynch(){
        var deferred = $.Deferred();
        _.defer(function(){ //I am using underscore, you can also use setTimeout
            deferred.resolve();//When the process is done successfully 
            deferred.reject(); //When the process has failed
        return deferred;
    //HEre how to use your own asynch function
       //this will be invoked on success
       //this will be invoked on failure

    나는 이것이 도움이되기를 바랍니다.

  5. from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4866721/what-are-deferred-objects by cc-by-sa and MIT license