
[SQL] 항목의 모든 조상을 얻는다 SQL 재귀 쿼리


항목의 모든 조상을 얻는다 SQL 재귀 쿼리

ID       parent_id   name
1        2            first 
2        4            second
3        3            third
4        5            fourth
5        -           fifth

제 조상 목록되어야 (2, 4, 5)


  1. ==============================


    with name_tree as (
       select id, parent_id, name
       from the_unknown_table
       where id = 1 -- this is the starting point you want in your recursion
       union all
       select c.id, c.parent_id, c.name
       from the_unknown_table c
         join name_tree p on p.parent_id = c.id  -- this is the recursion
    select *
    from name_tree
    where id <> 1; -- exclude the starting point from the overall result

    SQLFiddle : http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/87d0c/1

  2. ==============================

    2.이 같은 것을 사용할 수 있습니다 :

    이 같은 것을 사용할 수 있습니다 :

    with parents as 
      select ID, parent_ID
      from t
      where parent_ID is not null
      union all 
      select p.ID, t.parent_ID
      from parents p
        inner join t on p.parent_ID = t.ID
          and t.parent_ID is not null
          and t.ID <> t.parent_ID
    select *
      , parents = '(' + stuff
            select ', ' + cast(p.parent_ID as varchar(100))
            from parents p 
            where t.ID = p.ID
            for xml path('')
          ), 1, 2, ''
        ) + ')'
    from t
    order by ID

    데모와 SQL 바이올린.

    이 콤바인이 매우 일반적인 T-SQL 기술 - 계층 구조를 얻기 위해 CTE를 사용하고 CSV 목록을 얻기 위해 XML 경로 사용.

  3. from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16749095/sql-recursive-query-that-gets-all-ancestors-of-an-item by cc-by-sa and MIT license