
[WORDPRESS] WooCommerce의 시간 제한을 통해 고객 당 주문 수를 제한하는 방법


WooCommerce의 시간 제한을 통해 고객 당 주문 수를 제한하는 방법


  1. 1.

    function new_order_allowed() {
        // Only on cart and check out pages
        if( ! ( is_cart() || is_checkout() ) ) return;
        // Will only work for logged in users
        if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
            // Get user id
            $user_id = get_current_user_id();
            // Get last order
            $last_order = wc_get_customer_last_order( $user_id );
            if ( $last_order ) {
                // Get date last order created - Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
                $date_created = $last_order->get_date_created()->format( 'U' );
                // Get current date - Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
                $current_time = current_time( 'U', true );
                // 24hr in seconds
                $day_in_sec = 60 * 60 * 24;
                // Seconds have passed since the last order
                $seconds_passed = $current_time - $date_created;
                // Check
                if ( $seconds_passed < $day_in_sec ) {
                    // Add notice
                    wc_add_notice( sprintf( 'New orders are only allowed %1$s seconds after your previous order, currently %2$s seconds are passed', $day_in_sec, $seconds_passed ), 'error' );
                    // Removing the Proceed to checkout button from the Cart page
                    remove_action( 'woocommerce_proceed_to_checkout','woocommerce_button_proceed_to_checkout', 20);
    add_action( 'woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'new_order_allowed' );
  2. from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61187979/how-to-limit-the-number-of-orders-per-customer-via-a-time-limit-in-woocommerce by cc-by-sa and MIT license